Pascal joined us at our pre-arranged meeting place right on time.
We had arrived a little earlier which gave us time to relax on the steps of the Pantheon before meeting Pascal in the lobby of City Hall. It gave us time to catch our breath after arriving in Paris earlier in the morning.
Unable to check into our accommodation until later in the day, we had decided to make the most of the time in the city by seeing part of the city through the eyes of a local Greeter.
Pascal had a wonderful afternoon of sightseeing arranged for us. There was no sign of the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame in sight. Instead, we padded along the backstreets of the 5th District and Sorbonne, ducking into gateways and courtyards to have a look at the real life of Paris. Pascal led us off the beaten path into the spectacular buildings such as an abbey with its breathtaking interior which is now a school. How fortunate and inspiring for the lucky scholars who have the privilege to learn in this environment!
The beautiful school courtyard
We converse as we walk. Pascal provides enough historical background to encourage questions. He is knowledgeable and keeps us interested. We share tidbits of our lives with each other.
Pascal had put thought into planning our afternoon. It was tailormade for us.
The finale for the day reminded us of how much time Pascal had taken to make our Greeter tour unique. In earlier correspondence, he had questioned our interests and tactfully asked about our work and I had mentioned that He worked in the legal field.
It was getting late as Pascal hurried us through the gates of the courthouse, through security to wander through the corridors and halls of this amazing building.
The corridors of the courthouse
Leading us up the rather grand staircase to the first floor we steal quietly into a courtroom session.
There is more. We follow Pascal up another flight of stairs arriving at the rooms of the Law Society. These rooms are not open to the public, however, Pascal explains that He has an interest in the law and the office staff happily oblige and show us around.
The highlight, entering the Grand Office of the President! Such grandeur and history. It was an unexpected treat.
The boardroom of the Law Society
And so, it is a tired and weary but extremely happy couple of simple travellers who thank Pascal. He reluctantly accepts our gift as a token of our appreciation for his time and thoughtfulness. He reminds us that he is going away for a couple of weeks and will be back in Paris well before we arrive back in Paris after our driving holiday. There is so much more to see! And, that doesn’t include the popular tourist attractions!
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